Monday, October 15, 2012

The Private Blog has Been Updated

Hey All, I have been keeping up with Monday updates on the new and privatized Smith blog.  It's not too late to get your invite, if you want to see the latest family pics and get the latest updates on all things Smith send us your email addy and we'll send you the invite.  Blessings, Josh

Monday, October 01, 2012

New Update

Hey All, I have finally updated the new private blog, I have sent out invitations to those who have given their email addresses... and my parents, who apparently don't care about the blog but I invited them any way.  If you'd like to see the new blog you'll need to send us your email address so we can invite you.  It's at so you may have to quickly sign up for an account to see it, I'm not sure... anyway, blessings

Sunday, September 23, 2012

An Update Finally

Hey All, I was asked earlier today about our new privatized blog and realized I let that slip off of my plate.  Because the privacy settings are so difficult on blogger we've moved our blog over to wordpress.  All of our past blogs are there (out of order at the moment but I'll try to fix that in time).  So if you would like to keep up to date on the fam, the job and, most importantly, pics of the growing girls (yes... all the way back to Uncle Jed's wedding in June) then we need to invite you to follow it.  We'll need your email and then I'm pretty sure you'll have to set up a wordpress account (I think it's quick and easy if you don't already have one, sorry about making you sign up for stuff).  So you can put your email in the comment box on this one for an invite, text it, facebook it or email it to smith joshua k @ hotmail . com (no spaces, I just did that so internet robots won't spam me) or paling 33 @ hotmail . com (also no spaces)  I have been mega busy with work and church stuff but should come into a little extra time this next week or two and will try to do an update on the wordpress blog.  God Bless, Josh

Saturday, August 25, 2012

Important Notice

Hey All, as you may have noticed, we have not updated the blog for about 2 months.  I've been quite busy, that's the main reason, but also, we've decided to go private.  We've been considering going private for some time and this will be the last public blog.  What does that meant to you?  Well, if you already have a blogspot account, not much.  If not and you would like to keep up to date on what's happening in the life of the Smiths, you'll have to create an account.  Either way, you'll have to subscribe and we'll have to approve you.  If by chance you are a friend/family and we don't approve you (once we've gone private) it's probably because we didn't recognize your user name, just let us know and we'll fix that.

So why are we going private?  Pretty simple, we live in a day and age where people can find out a lot about other people and we think it's the best decision to protect our family's privacy and, more importantly, our children's safety.  Yes, I know that it's really, really unlikely that some weirdo stalker will happen upon our humble blog and take an inappropriate interest in our family, but still, there's no point in putting ourselves in that situation.  So in the next week or two we will go private, at that time I will repost all the blog posts from the past 5 years or so and we will continue regularly updating the blog.  Thanks y'all, Josh